Circus of Rock – Come One – Come All
Label: Frontiers Records Release Date 06.08.2021
With Circus of Rock there is another release of a new Rock music monster project – and I know many of you think ..”aren’t there already enough of these?” And the answer is clearly yes, but still you would make a big mistake missing this one. Believe me, it’s worth to listen to Circus of Rock.
The project was developed by Finnish drummer Mirka Rantanen. Rantanen himself is a familiar face to me because of his band Thunderstone he used to play in, but he is also known through other countless Finnish Top acts such as Warmen, Northern Kings, Raskasta Joulua, Kotipelto, Kings Company – and last but not least because of being the founder of the children Heavy Metal Band Hevisaurus. A great musician with ages of experience and who made this album a present to himself for this 50. birthday. Together with many great guest musicians and singers he brought Circus of Rock to life.
The beginning with “The Beat”, which is sung by Riku Turunen, is followed by the over clean voice of Johnny Gioeli on “Desparate Cry”. Song number three should be a special treat for Nightwish and Marko Hietala fans, because the singer can be heard on “Sheriff of Ghost Town”
Next to singers who are pretty much known in the Metal scene of Europe, there are also singers who are mainly known in Finland, or it became quiet during the past years around them here in central Europe. So one can find Kimmo Blom of Leverage for example with the song “Never”. Ex and Again Thunderstone Singer Pasi Rantanen of course also shouldn’t be missing with his unique and out of the crowd voice where he rocks “Crossroads” with.
Jarkko Ahola of Teräsbetoni could be familiar to some, but he started concentrating more on his quite successful his Finland career while singing rock classics and classic shows in this home country. Metal is mainly gone unfortunately, so he is a bit forgotten here, even though his voice should actually be known everywhere. He delivers great stuff on “Set me Free”.
A singer I was really looking forward to was Antti Railio, who is actually only known in Finland and with Raskasta Joulua and otherwise mainly “Schlager” -Finnish songs. He sings “Plywood Covered Windows And Crappy Shoes». Antti, it is time for your own rock band and get to tour Europe please!!!
“Time of Despair”with Elize Ryd is the only female singer to be heard on the album. (Mirka, please, on your next album released latest at your 60. birthday, I’d like to have a higher female quote, especially as you have awesome singers in Finland, I can hand you a long list if you need recommendations😉 )
The voices of Danny Vaughn, Rick Altzi, Tuple Salmela, Marc Quee and Erik Kraemer are also to be heard on the album. These great voices paired with easy going Metal songs make the album pass in a blink of an eye.
Rantanen together with his colleagues released a great album, I am very positively surprised and hope that there will be soon another release of the project. Sadly we probably will never see them live on stage.