In The Woods, Ereb Altor, Shores Of Null, Isole in Oberhausen
4.10.19 Oberhausen, Helvete
Quite fitting to the depressive season, the well-known Norwegians In The Woods toured German venues together with Ishole and Ereb Altor from Sweden. Shores Of Null from Rome completed the package of bands on the „Still Yearning European Tour“.
The first show of the tour took place in Oberhausen in Helvete Club and the location was quite crowded during the set of the Swedish Doom band. Unfortunately our lack of local traffic knowledge caused our late arrival and so we only saw parts of the last song of the Isole show. This was very sad, because several people told us that they rocked the house and the fans went really crazy.
After a short break it was time for the Italian band Shores Of Null. Actually I have never heard about this band before. Hence the more surprised and touched by their dark and melancholic sound I was. Furthermore, it was impressing to see how front man Davide acted very professionally and kept in permanent touch with the audience. The very likeable Italians earned a lot of applause after their final song and left the stage satisfied after 40 minutes. Thumbs up for Shores Of Null!!
Then it was time fort he next Swedish band: When Ereb Altor entered the stage, the location was pretty crowded and the energetic show of the band was appreciated in every corner. Their songs really have the hymn character, which they proved with the excellent song „Nifelheim“. The fans gave their full support to the Swedish band and were really thankful.
Personally I didn’t like the vocal style that much, but this was only my opinion – the rest of the guys in Helvete celebrated Ereb Altor intensively and it was a real convincing show by those Nordic guys.
After this gig some fans took a break outside, therefore you had a bit more space inside the venue when In The Woods entered the stage. The mood in the audience was still highly inspired, and front man James had everybody under a spell right from the start. The audience and the band were united as one and it was easy to notice for everyone that In The Woods had lots of fun on stage. Songs like „Empty Streets“ gained big support and intensive applause from the fans.
In The Woods mainly concentrated on their latest album „Cease The Day“, but they also played older stuff from „Omnio“ and „Heart Of The Ages“. „Divinity Of Wisdom“ was one of the highlights of those Norwegian guys.
Ending their show, ITW played with „The Cult Of Shining Stars“ one of their greatest songs (see video clip below) and directly after their show, instead of hiding backstage, they went to the merchandise stand to spend time with their fans for pictures and autographs. Respect !!!!
Text & photos/video: Hanzi Herrmann-Doom; Startphoto (from Helsinki): K. Weber