
Scarabeusdream – Crescendo

Label: Noise Appeal Records    released 2/2019

The White Stripes – or Magnuson – are proof that a duo can create a lot of noise and appealing Rock songs. But piano and drums plus vocals? Does that work? The Austrians Bernd Supper and Hannes Moser alias Scarabeusdream show us on their third album (produced by Johannes Cap) – YES.
I can tell you that this is no “background music” … as those musicians obviously cannot roam the stage, the vocal performance includes all the action. Hence be prepared for a roller coaster ride that includes smooth ballads and Elektro-Pop (Gee!) as well as Posthardcore-Noise. This duo combines the atmosphere of Pink Floyd with the excessive expression of The Who, and occasionally I have to think of David Bowie or Prince (see video below). The most extreme and intense moments remind me of fellow countrymen Dornenreich … and they even channel Tom Waits (Laisser Faire), before „Elvis“ provides an epic finale.
No idea which genre, or how to rate it – but just the unique creativity deserves recognition. The CD sounds strangely appealing, or better, has a hypnotic effect but also has an atmosphere of danger about it – as if Kaa lures you into her den to have you for lunch… but check it out for yourselves HERE.


  • 9/10
    Bewertung / rating - 9/10

Klaudia Weber

reckless and merciless dictator, so KNEEL! In other words, editor-in-chief, translator, website and ad admin, "Jane of all trades" - - - addicted to books (everything between Lord Of The Rings & quantum physics) and music, mainly Metal made in Finland. Furthermore, there's painting, drawing, movies, theater... so you can expect some variety on this website too. MA Master of Arts, English and American studies & Media communication = completed two full studies parallel within 5 years; very proud of my achievement - a bit later in life thanks to a scholarship - as a working class girl in a highlyconservative-romancatholic nation...