Fuck 2020: Roger Glover (Deep Purple)
We all have been traumatized, more or less, by the pandemic – and it’s OK not to feel OK, as I pointed out in my editorial. Follow our new series „Fuck 2020“ – incl. videointerviews – and find out how the art world, namely musicians and bands have been dealing with it.

Deep Purple came back in 2020 with a Whoosh! The album “Whoosh!”, produced by Bob Ezrin, has received excellent response and glowing reviews worldwide. However, not everything went as planned for the British Hardrock legends, as Deep Purple Bass player Roger Glover tells us in this quick shot interview:
The situation with COVID 19 has changed the world, making its contribution to the life of every person. And Deep Purple did not stay away from the problem. Due to the virus, release of the album was postponed, no concerts in 2020 and only some are planned in 2021…
Oh yeah! The virus brought house into all spheres of life, and no one expected it. A terrible situation that leaves its mark on us. But you need to look for plusses in everything. And in this situation too. At least this is a new experience. We can go about our family business. If we talk about me, then I am writing a book, writing new songs. I always have something to do.
Is it possible to organize a Deep Purple concert where all the former and current members will play together?
This is a good idea on the one hand, but on the other it will break the integrity. And it will become a circus. Yes, people will come to see it for a certain amount, but this is pure commerce. We regularly receive such proposals, but they are always rejected.
Thank you for your time!
(And thank you, Julia, for pitching the Fuck 2020 series idea to me and also contributing to it 🙂 – the ed.)
Deep Purple have so far confirmed the following live shows in 2021:
05/26/21 Moscow at Megasport Ice Palace
05/30/21 Istanbul at Lifepark
09/25/21 Stockholm at Hovet
09/26/21 Gothenburg at Partille Arena
09/29/21 Copenhagen at Royal Arena
More info on the band website
Artwork: Klaudia Weber
(partly showing off my teenage Deep Purple fan art, partly avoiding image copyright complications)