Hardline, Sevi, Xtasy, Air Change @ Z7 Pratteln
20.05.2022 Z7 Konzertfabrik Pratteln, Switzerland
Tonight we’ll receive a full dose of Hard Rock with four bands entertaining the 500+ crowd at Z7.
With only an half an hour set Tom, Reto and Urs alias Air-Change open the concert evening. This Rock Trio from Bern doesn’t have much room to move as their equipment is placed in front of all the other bands’ stuff. Despite those difficulties those 3 manage to warm up the audience nicely.
After a lengthy rearrangement on stage, Xtasy begin their show and it’s not their first time here as they had been the support of Eclipse at Z7. Xtasy consists of front woman Silvia, bassist Johnny, drummer Abel and the guitarists Jorge and Charles. The band released their album „The Eye of the Storm“ in 2019 and we get to hear several songs of this one tonight. During the show you get the impression of repetitions – there are many titles containing “fire” and the vocal lines have similarities. Yet the music of this Spanish band is quite nice and you can see that they enjoy being on a Swiss stage again.
After a short stage changeover the third act Sevi enters the stage, a band I haven’t heard of before. It’s their first concert in Switzerland but I am sure it won’t be the last one, because singer Sevi and her guys deliver a fantastic show. You are taken in within the first seconds and not just by the charisma of this blue-eyed singer, it’s also her incredible voice. Sevi are said to be Bulgaria’s top Rockband and I have to say, they totally live up to their reputation. Hardline vocalist Johnny Gioeli is a big fan of this act and took care that they can be part of this tour. Svetlana and her guys captivate the audience right away, a highlight of this evening and this band surely has now many fans more. This is a flawless singer, every note is on spot and all the songs kick ass. As a little surprise for this evening the final song is a great and wonderfully performed duet with Johnny Gioeli. If you haven’t heard Sevi yet, you really need to check out this band.
The lonely keyboard on stage finally finds its purpose, and for no other than Alessandro Del Vecchio, a song writer for many other Frontier bands besides Hardline. This is one of the reasons why this band has so many catchy songs that are easy to sing along. Del Vecchio simply has this feeling for hit songs. With him on stage, The Beast himself, right from the Muppets Show in human form, Mister Marco di Salvia, who is fascinating to watch. On bass Anna Portalupi, on guitar Mario Percudani and did we forget someone? Oh yes, Mr. “cool statements”, Johnny Gioeli. Tonight he is once again featuring temporary tattoos to impress the Swiss audience, cheekily greeting a girl in the front rows “hello my little bitch – I mean flower, flower!” and taking the stage in Gioeli style, constantly running from A to B and back to A.
it seems he never gets out of breath or tired – he is sweating like hell but still he tries to get as close as possible to the audience. And still his voice is always on point – and in a way you can understand why he constantly needs to look up lyrics on a tablet. Easily forgiven as the show is fantastic and those guys entertain us well for about 1h, really fun to watch. Which means time flies by, you can hardly believe there were 4 bands on tonight when the concert evening is done.
Indeed a great evening with excellent bands – those are live shows that make you long for more gigs.