Art and politics
Because of upcoming elections in Germany and Austria, I simply cannot avoid to express my opinion here.
Please go and VOTE!
Do not give up the right you have as the citizen of a democratic nation.
And please consider which of those parties will make sure that there will still be a democratic nation, a system that allows free speech, free and secret elections etc afterwards. Considering pretty recent history – or what happens elsewhere nearby or overseas – should show clearly that even a democracy can quickly turn into an autocratic or even totalitarian regime, when those elected do not care about the system at all, ditch basics of a constitution (e.g keeping religion and government separated), ditch science and human rights via Twitter or use their power immediately to fill their own / their friends’ and families’ pockets and twist legislation in a way that you cannot even vote them off …
And now you probably wanna know why I write this on a website dedicated to artists and artistic expression? What has art to do with politics?
Let me ask you: Which form of government makes sure that also Heavy Metal people can express their views on religion, a nation and society in public, on a stage or via music platforms? Which system allows Metal bands to be formed easily, because you can easily meet fellow Metalheads legally, openly, at a bar or in a youth center, and even men and women mix freely there – or find them via different legal open platforms, or at gigs / festivals organised by legit promoters regularly? In which kind of political system can citizens get tattooed from head to toe, wear Metal outfits openly in the street / at school without being in danger of getting arrested / lynched by police / angry crowd?
Exactly. It’s the democracy and the right to express opinions freely and openly that a website like this one can exist, legally. Find out what it’s like otherwise, in this interview with the band Blaakyum …
Hence every form of art is connected with politics. Because no art can blossom in a totalitarian system. Art equals daring, provoking, stretching boundaries and bursting through them, changing opinions, changing society – which is not possible in a dictatorship. Look it up in history books, there’s plenty of proof of that.
Hence, once again, please go and vote. Make sure that afterwards we will still have a democracy, a constitution and the freedom to express our opinion, our art, our music.
Fight for your right to party!
– Klaudia –