Findustry Winterball 2017
17.-18.2.2017 Helsinki, Bar Bäkkäri
Another instalment of this legendary Findustry Industrial/Alternative Metal festival. Unfortunately it will be one of the last events at the live club Bäkkäri upstairs – it will cease to exist by the end of this month. Yet I was told that Bar Bäkkäri downstairs will continue …
Luckily even at this relatively early hour, there were enough people in the pit to cheer the first band of this Friday evening, Northern Genocide, and their Industrial Metal. Turned out they rather focused on the „Metal“ part, offering pretty angry riffs adorned with Death Metal vocals.
Die Kur from the UK continued the highly aggressive approach, yet rather trending to Hardcore style vocals. What stuck out – besides the energetic and appealing performance – was their use of a Theremin. Somehow the show felt being way too short. I am sure the Brits made some new fans that night, considering how easily they filled the dance floor.
Unzyme created laboratory conditions on stage with their scrubs, weird gears and overall performance concept. And it turned out that the music was even less dangerous than the announcement of a mortality rate under 10% might suggest. Even less after those previous 2 acts, and a bit too much Electro Pop for my personal taste. The majority of party people thought otherwise and enjoyed those perfect dance grooves.
Are they from outer space? Blastromen do not have a light show, they are the light show. Their synth music could be compared with 80s movie soundtracks, like Blade Runner or Escape from New York. Quite hypnotic and appealing, one of the highlights of this year’s Findustry.
The headliner Velvet Acid Christ from the USA drew everybody in the club to the front, I have hardly ever seen a Finnish Goth/Industrial/EBM crowd that enthusiastic. Quite a challenge to get some photos… Despite some technical issues in the beginning, the duo kicked the party off with heavy electronic beats and angry vocals. And I could understand why the crowd was freaking out …
On Saturday the first band could start a bit later than the openers of day 1, because Danish Ghost Iris had to cancel due to illness. Val Tvoar from Estonia impressed with an earthy Blues Rock based groove, Motörhead meets Foo Fighters. Very appealing, and they filled the dance floor within seconds.
Random Seizure provided a sound perfectly fitting to the theme of Findustry Winterball – Industrial Metal with a slight Black Metal edge, and they were as popular to the crowd as the previous band.
Gentuza from Poland surprised with heavy Noise attack, and an – err – atmospheric lighting preference, which made it pretty difficult to capture anything. Absolutely stunning performance, though.
The same can be said about the Estonian duo Talbot – unbelievable how two people can make so much noise, playing a guitar and a synth simultaneously… THIS is how I like „drum n bass“!
Then the Mexicans Rabia Sorda showed the crowd how fun, minimal-instrumentation noise and action on stage should be done. What a show – highly energetic, a crossover of Indie, Glam-Goth, Rock’n’Roll and Punk attitude. Highly infectious beats with Mariachi twist, underlining the driving riffs and the versatile vocals of Erik Aicrag. A worthy festival headliner, hopefully not for the last time visiting Helsinki.
love Die Kur!!!! Awesome festival!