Green Express – Fresh Act August 2013
Green Express are an international rock band from Brazil. reviewed their first album recently and they did quite well. Since they are currently touring Europe, we squeezed their singer and guitarist Daniel Green dry about how “heart and mind talk” fits in a delivery service, and other things.
Who are you – can you introduce yourself and all of the band members?
Hi there, we are Green Express, my name is Daniel Green – I play guitar and sing, Lipes plays the solo guitar effects. We have also Butch playing the bass and a new drummer for the European tour now, Mr Kraszbest.
What do you mean when you say you are an “international rock band”?
Well, good question. We are an international band actually because it was a long way to make this tour and spread our music and heart feelings worldwide. The idea of a world without borders sounds amazing also. One more good reason is the fact that we have now different nationalities in our crew, and that´s great.
Can you tell me a little of your history as a band? How did you meet each other?
Sure! You know, many words, hard work and long way (laughs). Green Express was originally formed in 2007 when we were ready to put some theory to reality. I know Lipes and Butch for many years, they are great friends and awesome musicians as well, so we started to record many songs and demos I´ve written to see how it works, and of course it was great, because it is all about soul combination and we were ready for it. Also, I would like thank our drummers´ real friends Tomaz Lenz, Chris Neuman and Marcos Myara for all support. The full album was recorded in 2011/2012 in Rio de Janeiro, BR and mastered in Seattle, USA. We´ve just released it, and here we are on the way.
How would you describe your musical style, and how did this style develop? What are your musical roots and influences?
Well, it comes from all those deep conversations between heart and mind. The solution was music. I like all kinds of music and art whatever but we play rock n´ roll – as we at least know how to play it. If we have to put a label on it, I´d say it is influenced by the world underground music and 70/90 decades.
How do you write your music and lyrics, is it teamwork?
Well, they just come and I start to write them with melodies. I´m still trying to figure out how this works (laughs). Heart and mind talking again. Yes, it is teamwork indeed. Lipes has great ideas also and it fits perfectly to the whole thing.
Is there a particular philosophy behind your works, or where do you get your inspiration from?
Sure. Be yourself. Do what you want or try it at least because you deserve it. If it´s alive, it knows. You know, it´s about the words from the inside. An inspiration from different sources and it sounds good to me, some punk, some alternative, good will craziness and we go for the mix.
How did you come up with the band name – is there a story behind it?
Hmm, it´s like a transportation company to deliver music and atmosphere. We are the drivers.
As I understand “GEX” is your first full album, but not your first release. Can you tell me a little bit about your earlier releases?
Sure. Times have changed – no more demo-tapes (laughs). Well, we recorded 2 demos before the new album `Gex´. They were called `Loco-Motive´ and `Loco-Railways´, both came with 9 tracks. They were available only from the internet. It was like a warm-up for the album.
What are you most proud of regarding this album?
That it is 100% self-released and its sonority.
How has your music been received so far? Is there a difference between how people view it in Brazil and how it is viewed internationally?
Things are going good and we are working really hard. There´s some common sense in the world nowadays and I´m really glad, I mean… people want to listen us and send messages. It´s very good for the team and makes things easier.
What are your goals, dreams, what do you want to achieve with your music?
To make our living by the music would be a great step.
Are you looking for a record company or would you prefer to stay in the Do-It-Yourself mode?
Well, maybe. Let´s see what´s coming next.
What should an ideal record company for you be like, and do for you?
Partners are always welcome.
You are touring Europe in June and July. Is this your first tour here? What are your hopes and expectations?
Well, it will be a great tour for sure. It is our first time performing in Europe and I think it´s gonna be an awesome experience for us as a band and personally as well. It´s a good time; I want to see people rock!
What are your live shows like? What´s the perfect venue/show for you?
All venues where we can perform our live show! All of them. Small clubs, festivals etc…
If you could freely choose a band to tour with, who would it be, and why?
Wow. Alice in Chains, because I´m a fan and I´m sure it would be awesome.
What are your plans in the (near) future?
Go ahead, make good shows, good music, make an amazing tour. We are now having a really good time with the band and the album recently released .New songs are coming for live shows and second album. We have also the US tour for the next year. Well, there are many things going on right now. I´m sure good things will come. Let´s see what´s coming next. Thanks for your attention, we really appreciate it. Stay in peace, okay? You deserve it!
Thanks for the interview.
Author: Stefanie Oepen