Myrkur – Folkesange
Folkesange – the title already tells you everything: no metal content here. Which doesn’t mean the Myrkur fanbase, though. And all those enthusiastic reviews suggest the very opposite… Basically all those who followed the acoustic tour of this Danish artist (concert report here) will be thrilled to add this one to their collection. With her new album Myrkur alias Amalie Bruun focuses on the very heart of the Scandinavian culture that marked her childhood, with the goal to reconnect to something permanent and nature-aligned. Rooted in traditional folk, the songs are a combination of ancient and new. Leaves Of Yggdrasil for example was written by Amelie, and also Tor i Helheim which is based on a poem from the Icelandic Eddas. The overall sound outfit remains minimalistic – Myrkur’s awesome crystal voice and mostly acoustic traditional instruments, such as nyckelharpa, lyre, mandola plus frame-drum percussion – and all those she plays herself. (Extra voices, Cello, Viola and Percussion by guest musicians). A pure and basic sound, no over-production, also thanks to Heilung member and musical collaborator Christopher Juul. Playing that CD is the closest you get to have musicians perform right there in your living room.
Folkesange invites the listener to time-travel, or to participate in a Shaman ritual – indeed, this music strikes an ancient nerve, a subconscious trigger, connects to an ancient cloud memory when this kind of music was the latest hit on ancestor’s dance floors … I bet anybody listening will feel enchanted immediately and yearn for more – and replay the album. Simply brilliant.