In Extremo / Schandmaul / Beyond the Black @ Z7
20.07.2019 Z7 Summer Nights, Pratteln, Schweiz
It’s more than 10 years ago when I watched In Extemo the last time, somehow it never worked out. Therefore I am really looking forward to the show tonight, just like the 1500 people here. Many of them try to fight the summer heat with cool drinks while waiting for the concert to begin.
Punctually at 18.00 h the first notes of Beyond the Black can be heard. This Symphonic Metal band featuring front lady Jennifer Haben would have been suitable for the previous day as support for Tarja. Yet they appeal to tonight’s audience as well with their remarkable songs, hook lines and choruses. It is so easy to sing along, true ear candy, I just have to mention «Songs of Love and Death», terrible, I cannot get it out of my head any more… This young band makes a real good impression and despite the fact that their songs are quite commercial, they are fun to watch. A good opener for this evening.
Schandmaul have never been my cup of tea and probably never will be, their music simply does not captivate me. What I find interesting is this variety of instruments played by the ladies in the band. Yet I think there’s not enough power coming from the stage and I do not like frontman Thomas Lindner’s voice. Therefore I rather enjoy the shade inside Z7 while Schandmaul play outside. As I can hear a lot of applause and cheers, the majority seems to enjoy this band a lot.
In Extremo are music veterans you simply have to like. Right from the start they set of pyros and flame throwers – a fantastic view, yet for us photographers it means less time to capture those guys. Nevermind, in this case I prefer listening to the music to shooting photos. Das Letzte Einhorn – Michael Rhein and his men deliver top entertainment and a lot of action on stage. They continue to tell the German-Swiss audience not to start fights (a joke of course) and they start some screaming or sing-along competitions. There is always something happening on stage and the guys are moving all the time. Definitely not one boring moment and the set list contains all the fan favorites, from «Störtebeker»to «Rasend Herz» and «Liam». It was definitely worth to battle with the heat wave for seeing this band. They have a fantastic show and know how to entertain with fire and with humor.