Inglorious / Password Monkey @ Luxor Köln
14.02.2019 @ Luxor, Köln, Germany
Hearts and loving couples, well, there are other ways to spend Valentine’s Day, for example a concert. Couples can avoid having an inevitable argument, and for singles a show of an excellent band is the best way to spend an evening alone. Unfortunately the Inglorious tour does not include Switzerland, therefore I travel to Cologne and finally arrive with a 2,5 hour delay due to some medical emergency on the tracks between Freiburg and Offenburg. Yet I make it punctually at 19.00 h at Club Luxor. A small but cosy club with nice staff, very comfortable for the bands and quite full on this evening. First on are Password Monkey from Munic playing 6 Hardrock Songs to warm up the crowd. They played three gigs with Inglorious on their tour and they fit quite well to the headliner. Their show is quite professional and they convince the audience with their appeal and their skills. I could have listened to them much longer.
A quick changeover, then it’s time for Inglorious who open the show with «Where are you now» from the new album. I am curious about the three new band members, how do they compare to the predecessors and how they act on stage. First Vinnie Colla on Bass, Danni Dela Cruz and Dan Stevens seem a bit shy but with the cheerful welcoming crowd they soon become more confident. A line-up change is always difficult and for me the most crucial is a vocalist change – that can always backfire. In this case the three newbies do a good job and they surely will be more relaxed on stage in the future. Musically they are great in supporting front man Nathan James and Drummer Phil Beaver.
The evening seems to fly by in an instant, when the final songs «Holy Water» and «Until I die» are played it seems it’s only 21h and they had just started. James is a great showman and sings perfectly despite having a cold. His skills are impressive, just like his stage presence. Sadly two songs of the new album «Ride to Nowhere» are not played live outside England, «I don’t know you» and «Glory Days». But we get to hear the Alanis Morissette Cover «Uninvited», and James sings such high notes I as a woman cannot figure out how someone can go that high. Definitely a highlight besides the performance of «Faraway», written for Nathan’s grandparents and it seems he fights tears, and so do many in the audience. Summing up, the line-up change did not harm Inglorious and the long trip was absolutely worth it. Let’s hope they also include Switzerland in a bigger tour in this autumn.
Where Are you now
Taking the blame
High Flying Gypsy
Read all About it
Making me pay
Freak Show
Ride to Nowhere
I don’t need your loving
Holy water
Until I die
text & photos: Sandy Mahrer