25 April 2014, Markthalle, Hamburg, Germany (Photos by Andreas Torneberg on Flickr)
“Now we have already 20-year-anniversary, no, 21 years, oh, man!” says singer/guitarist Brad, shakes his head, laughs, sweeps his tie sleek and hurries with a “cool, man!” from backstage out on stage, where the “Pothead, Pothead!” shouts bluster in the fully-filled hall.
Last year they had skipped Hamburg, the last concert is one and a half years ago, so the Hamburg fans are hungry for their earthy rock’n’roll fare. And according to this the hardworking band-manager Siggi has a lot to do outside at the merchandise where CDs, T-shirts and buttons go across the table.
What has changed in recent years? You can say not much. The hair is shorter and a bit more gray, but the enthusiasm is undiminished. Of course – on the drums, which probably already everybody know, there is not the longtime drummer Sebastian Meyer, but since almost two years Nick Gogow, formerly of Knorkator, and underlines the songs with a personal touch that gives the drumlines elegance and various subtleties. Sure, quite a few new songs appeared in the years coming from the the last albums “Pottersville” and “Jackpot” and fit seamlessly into the repertoire of the earlier tracks, without exception already adapted by the audience.
After one and a half hours Brad says “well, thank you, now we play our last song.” Since none grumbles, because all know he does not mean it that way. Jeff does not even take off his bass, as Brad briefly leaving the stage, just briefly, just time for three, four “Encore!” calls, then the show goes on. And on, one encore after the other.
Finally the three craftsmen left the stage waving goodbye. Backstage, Nick rubbed after all the work on the well-heated stage the sweat out of his hair, while outside the addition calls don´t want to end. “Well, one more song we can do, right?” said Brad. “Yes, still let us play one,” Jeff agreed. Nick throws his towel into the corner and follows them back to the stage behind his drum set. And on they go …