
M’era Luna Festival 2024

August 10th and 11th, 2024, Hildesheim Drispenstedt airfield, Germany

Here the interactive gallery with photos of ASP, Centhron, Combichrist, Deathstars, Die Krupps, Epica, Front 242, Lacrimas Profundere, London After Midnight, Oomph, Suicide Commando – or click on an image and enjoy all concert photos in full size via Flickr!
photos: Marina Minkler, edited by Marco Gazaneo

GastmitarbeiterInnen / guest contributions

Regular guest contributors e.g. Melanie Kircher, Tatjana Tattis Murschel, Grit Kabiersch, Marina Minkler, Jasmine Frey, Maria Levin, Elvira Visser, Nina Ratavaara, John Wisniewski