SHEAR : “You don’t have to prove anything to anyone but yourself!”
Their debut album „Breaking the Stillness“ received quite good response. The Finnish band SHEAR wants to take new untraded paths
Read moreTheir debut album „Breaking the Stillness“ received quite good response. The Finnish band SHEAR wants to take new untraded paths
Read moreThere are One-Hit-Wonders who reach fame in a very short time – and are as easily and quickly forgotten, and
Read moreThe German band Schandmaul has been releasing excellent albums for 14 years. Although their work is not really noticed in
Read moreI have been looking forward to this concert since the release of the Trillium debut album. Unfortunately they are only
Read more30.4.2012 Münsterlandhalle Münster GER Sometime any great career comes to an end. After almost 40 years in music business, Judas
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